



除服务性动物外,其他动物不得入内. 将非服务性动物带入大楼的顾客将被要求离开.



自行车不得带入图书馆. 自行车可停放在室外任何可用的架子上.



大学图书馆是所有人的资源, so it is important that users of the collections do not intentionally prevent others from accessing items in the collections. 物品应按时归还. Violations of borrowing policies may result in penalties (fines/fees) up to and including suspension of library privileges. 罚款和费用 根据结账项目的不同而有所不同.



The library buildings are open to the campus community and the public during operating business hours. 有关图书馆开放时间的资料,可浏览我们的网页 小时 致电我们的总线323343-3988.



在图书馆所有非安静的学习区域都允许使用手机. 顾客在使用手机时应尊重其他顾客.



The 图书馆 seeks to provide the University community with the best possible environment for research and study. 我们要求所有图书馆使用者配合我们的行为指引.

行为 that disturbs 图书馆 users or interferes with 图书馆 activities is prohibited. This includes excessive noise (including noise generated by audio equipment and electronic communication devices), 言语虐待, 暴力威胁, 性骚扰, use of electronic devices or other activities that interfere with the activities of 图书馆 staff and patrons. 看到 《足彩外围网站》第415和415条.5.

The University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning and living environment for students, 教师, 和工作人员. Each member of the campus community should choose behaviors that contribute towards this end. 学生 are expected to be good citizens and engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon their University, 在校园社区中,对彼此和他人都要彬彬有礼, 为学生和大学生活做出积极贡献. 看到 CCA学生行为标准.

It is expected that requests for compliance with these rules will be immediately and civilly honored. 取决于违规的严重程度, 拒绝遵守图书馆政策可能导致:

  • 要求离开大楼.
  • A police investigation of possible violations of State 教育, civil or penal codes.
  • 一所大学的学生行为和纪律准则听证会.


Some violations of University and 图书馆 regulations on computer usage may result in cancellation of accounts, 纪律处分, 和/或法律诉讼(根据加州刑法第502条).


  • 浏览违反联邦, 状态, 或者当地的法律法规, 包括访问, 查看, 印刷, 传播儿童色情制品.
  • 任何侵犯版权的使用, 专利保护, or license agreements -- including but not limited to unauthorized copying of software, 下载及使用盗版软件, systematically downloading or 印刷 entire journal issues or volumes or large portions of electronic resources.
  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to information systems or violate the privacy of others (such as running programs that attempt to calculate or guess passwords, 它们的设计目的是欺骗其他用户泄露他们的密码, 或拦截或监控非针对您的网络通信).
  • 篡改图书馆的电脑, 包括试图安装未经授权的软件, 断开图书馆计算机的连接, 或者将私人电脑连接到图书馆的网络线路上.

All electronic access facilitated by 大学图书馆 is subject to the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 ITS安全及指引政策. 有关更多计算位置,请参见 开放存取计算机实验室.



足彩外围网站图书馆致力于创造一个欢迎的氛围, safe and engaging learning environment that supports the 教育al mission of 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 像这样, 大学图书馆社区活动室仅限于举办教育类活动, 研讨会, 和会议 that are open to the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 community and will be publicized on the 大学图书馆’s event calendar. 大学图书馆创新中心仅限于体验式学习活动, 研讨会, 和会议, 或者一次课堂讲座. Social gatherings or private meetings that are neither sponsored nor co-sponsored by the 图书馆 should be scheduled through the appropriate University office. 有关更多信息,请参见 事件空间指南和描述.



The 图书馆 adopted the American 图书馆 Association Code of 道德 on December 11, 1995.



展品, 以及它们相关的事件, 是大学图书馆外展工作的重要组成部分. 他们应该告知, 教育, 娱乐, 突出的成就, 为公众提供欣赏艺术和文物的机会, 及/或推广图书馆的资源及服务. 请参阅我们的详细资料 展览的指导方针.



Snack 食物和饮料s are permitted in the 大学图书馆 if those items are responsibly consumed and disposed of. 必须考虑到其他图书馆使用者.

  • 所有饮料必须装在防溅容器中.
  • 允许携带个人大小的零食、三明治或包装物品.
  • 食品供应, 食品方, 除非是图书馆批准的活动,否则不允许集体用餐.
  • 在印刷馆藏和图书馆技术周围,不鼓励使用食品和饮料.


The 大学图书馆 食物和饮料 policy is subject to change as needed based on campus and regional health guidelines.



行为 that disturbs 图书馆 users or interferes with 图书馆 activities is prohibited. This includes excessive noise (including noise generated by audio equipment and electronic communication devices), 言语虐待, 暴力威胁, 性骚扰, use of electronic devices or other activities that interfere with the activities of 图书馆 staff and patrons. 《足彩外围网站》第415和415条.5



Any request for temporary or permanent signs posted inside or outside must be made to a member of 图书馆 administration and approved before posting. The 图书馆 reserves the right to deny requests based on sign content and will remove signage posted without authorization.



Effective September 1, 2017, Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 campus. 请参阅 无烟足彩外围网站 或者是 CSU行政命令概述全系统无烟环境(PDF) 了解更多信息.



Commercial solicitation is prohibited in 图书馆 facilities without prior written authorization. 这包括所有旨在促成销售的活动. 请参阅 校长足彩外围网站使用大学建筑和场地的指示.



The 大学图书馆 does not offer designated spaces for students to take online third-party proctored exams, as we are unable to guarantee the environment required for such testing applications (e.g.,稳定的WIFI,安静,没有干扰等.). 因此, the library does not recommend using study rooms or other library spaces f或者是 purpose of taking exams with online third-party proctored software.

此外,我们支持 足彩外围网站使用第三方在线监考系统的决议 学术参议院批准(2021年9月14日). 作为图书馆, 我们遵循美国ALA道德准则, which include the following 状态ments: "We affirm the inherent dignity and rights of every person. We work to recognize and dismantle systemic and individual biases; to confront inequity and oppression; to enhance diversity and inclusion; and to advance racial and social justice in our libraries, 社区, 职业, 以及通过意识产生的联想, 宣传, 教育, 协作, 服务, 以及资源和空间的分配."

For more information about computer labs for students needing a computer to attend their online classes while on campus please see 临时开放实验室



There are study areas located strategically throughout both 图书馆 buildings, in designated zones. 三种类型的区域是:



  • 东一层-图书馆北
  • 一楼-图书馆北
  • 2楼中心-图书馆北


Occasional quiet conversation allowed, no phone conversations, headphones at low volume

  • A Level West - 图书馆 North
  • B层-图书馆北
  • 2楼周边-图书馆北
  • 三楼-图书馆北
  • 2楼和3楼-桥梁


No talking of any kind, no phone conversations (phone on silent mode), headphones at low volume

  • 图书馆南三楼

Sound may carry from study rooms or through doorways and patrons using these areas may generate some gentle noises (keyboard clicks, 页面将, 偶尔咳嗽, 等). 请对这些小的干扰有耐心.

Details about graduate cubicles and group study rooms available for reservation are on the 预订座位 页面.



Destruction of 图书馆 materials by marking on or removing 页面s or other destructive activities toward materials, 设备或设施被视为破坏行为. 看到 教育守则19910和19911. 防止图书馆资料被盗, 图书馆使用者可能会被要求出示书包和公文包以供检查.

Failure to comply with 图书馆 policies can result in penalties up to and including patrons being banned from the 图书馆.